We, the members of the Independent American Party of Nevada, recognize that throughout human history most men have been slaves to man’s institutions of government; that through the providence of God, our American Forefathers, steeped in the traditions, values and discipline of Christianity, threw off the shackles of government by man; that Americans established a Constitutional Republic, a government of law, under God, rooted in Biblical law, which controlled and regulated government, liberating the people and making the government the servant of the people.
We declare: That the proper role of government as defined by The Declaration of Independence; The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights is to protect the God given rights of Life, Liberty and Property; that usurpation of further power by government constitutes tyranny.
Contact Us
Have questions about Independent American Party of Nevada, or interested in joining? Please reach out — we’re happy to help.
6556 Coal Mine Canyon Road
Elko, NV 89801

The Nevada Legislature begins on Monday, February 3, 2025.
We are preparing now.
Citizen Lobbyist Workshops Scheduled so far:
New: January 24, Friday, 2pm Elko County Commission Chambers, 540 Court Street, Suite 102.
Sponsored by Nevada Coalition of Voters, Mary Ellen Burckhard, text 775-846-3210
January 25, Saturday, 9am, Elko County Commission Chambers, 540 Court Street, Suite 102.
Sponsored by Elko Republican Central Committee.
Contact Jim Cooney, 775-397-2504.
February 4, Tuesday, 5pm Pot Luck, 6pm meeting, GOP Annex 36525 #C8,
S. Virginia, Reno. Nevada, sponsor Nevada Republican Assembly,
RSVP Joanna Schumacher, 775-848-0692.
February 5, Wednesday, 6pm, Carson Sheriff building, 911 E. Musser, Ormsby meeting room,
sponsored by Stand for Health Freedom Nevada and People’s Rights Nevada,
contact Kat Sienk, katsienk@gmail.com
February 6, Thursday, 6:30pm, Scheels at Legends Mall, 1200 Scheels Dr. in Sparks 89434,
sponsor SS Precinct, RSVP Ron Miranda r1mw@yahoo.com
February 11, Tuesday, 1pm, GOP Annex 36525 #C8, S. Virginia, Reno, Nevada, RWR.
Contact Kate Vineyard 408-835-9191.
February 12, Wednesday, 11am for lunch, 11:30am meeting, King Buffett,
3650 Keitzke Lane, Reno, NV 89502, Sponsor Conservative Talk Lunch.
Douglas County
February 13, Thursday, 7pm, Elks Lodge, 1227 Kimmerling Rd. Gardnerville,
89406, Sponsor Douglas County Republican Central Committee.
How to Be an Effective Citizen Lobbyist
Learn how to effectively lobby the Legislature from your own home. Learn how a
bill becomes law. Your pocketbook and liberties are at stake. You can make a
difference through your participation! We make it simple!
If you would like to sponsor a Citizen Lobbyist Workshop, please contact:
Janine Hansen, 775-397-6859, director@nevadafamilies.org
I will be presenting Citizen Lobbyist Workshops in January and the first two weeks in February. I am happy to present a workshop to your organization.
Our efforts during the 2023 Legislature were critical to stopping many atrocious Democrat bills. We provided public opposition through emails, phones, testimony in person, on the phone and in writing. We were able to successfully support the Legislators who opposed the bills and give them courage to oppose the Legislation. This was critical in making the Governors vetoes possible, because he said he needed the Republicans to vote together in opposition so he would have the support he needed to veto bad bills. The Governor vetoed 75 bills and many others never passed!
There are already 982 Bill Draft Requests submitted to the Legislature. Of course, we can’t read anything but single sentence description. There will probably be about 1,200 bills submitted for 2025. There are many bills regarding elections including one from the Secretary of State and one on campaign finance. Other bills regard education, early childhood and pre-kindergarten, public lands, health care, sex trafficking, gun control, First Amendment, parental rights, taxes, water, adoption, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Nevada Office of Cyber Defense Coordination, energy, crime and public safety. One from a Democrat revises provisions for illegal aliens driver’s authorization cards and from a liberal Senator, transgenders and hate crimes, This one sounds good from Republican Assemblyman Gurr, “Establishes requirements relating to the determination of biological sex in athletes.” Another excludes squatters from certain protections available to tenants. One resolution we oppose calls for an Article V Constitutional Convention (which we oppose.)
We want to be ready to support good bills and oppose the bad ones!
Janine Hansen, State President Nevada Families for Freedom