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We are Growing!

Nevada Families

State Convention set for Feb. 18 & 19 2022 in Elko

Dear Independent Americans,

We have set our State Convention for Friday and Saturday, February 18 and 19, 2022 in Elko, Nevada. It is at our State Convention where we choose our Candidates, update our Platform and choose our State Officers. It is our tradition to rotate the convention between Las Vegas, Reno-Sparks and Elko.

We are Growing!

The Secretary of State’s voter stats show we have grown from 73,994 in August of 2020 to 84,272 active registered voters in 2021.

Now is the time to reach out to those around you who may be ready to make the change. Many are disillusioned with the Republicans and Democrats. Many Democrats do not go along with the radical socialists now leading their party but are reluctant to become Republicans. They are perfect for the IAP. Many Republicans see the continual betrayal by elected Republicans in Congress and our State Legislature.

They can change their registration at:

We have designed a new hand out which will soon be available on our website for download, which has basic information about the party and a link to register to vote.

At the State Central Committee meeting which took place in Tonopah this past weekend, we passed several resolutions on current critical issues which I will be forwarding in the coming days, on Medical Freedom—No Vaccines, Chaos at the Border, Critical Race Theory, and Stop the Proposed State Constitutional Amendment on ERA.

It’s great to be an Independent American and not be saddled with the corruption and ineptitude of the other parties.

Be of Good Cheer! Yours for Liberty! Janine Hansen, State Chairman IAP

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